Products & Services

  • Antara Foto
  • Antara PRWire
  • Antara TV
  • LPJA Antara
  • Comets
  • Galeri Foto & Jurnalistik Antara

ANTARA news service on the web gives subscribers easy and comfortable access to all latest news with different categories around the clock everyday.

ANTARA news portal ( ) has been running since January, 1996, with a view to meet the public need in obtaining fast, accurate, comprehensive and advantageous information. The portal uses two languages (Indonesia and English) in order to give international community comprehensive and credible information on Indonesia currently.

With ANTARA’s good reputation in Asia and its global networks, the portal offers different pieces of information which have been serving as reference which can attract Internet end-users worldwide. With pageviews reaching 7 million a month and one third of visitors access the portal from foreign countries (see the table), the portal’s rank continues to increase according to

Advertisement in the ANTARA Portal

The ANTARA Portal offers different advantages to those who want to advertise their products in the portal.

  1. The good reputation of ANTARA as a credible news agency will uphold the image of the products and services offered by the advertisers.
  2. Different characteristics of the visitors from various countries in the world reflect potential markets for products and services offered by the advertisers.
  3. Affordable fees for the advertisement help the advertisers spare their promotion costs.
  4. Advertisement can be put at strategic positions to make visitors easy to see it.
  5. Advertisers can change materials of their advertisement twice in a month with the same sizes.
  6. Advertisers can know statistic data on the frequency of their advertisements and the number of visitors who hit the advertisement.


For further information, you can contact us at:

Wisma ANTARA â’·

Jalan Cikini IV No. 11, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat 10350
Telp: (021) 22395579
Email: ads [at], iklan [at] atau humas [at]

Photo news portal ( ) containing a variety of photo collections and distribute news and events from a variety of themes such as: political, economic, sporting, social, cultural, environmental, and human interest both domestically and abroad.

Experienced photojournalists of LKBN Antara produce 70 to 100 photos daily news with the high quality standards and a high-resolution format.

Writing and disseminating news release (texts and photos) fast, accurately and easily to across the world through ANTARA's customer network and Asianet.

PR WIRE ANTARA is a business unit of the National News Agency, ANTARA, which deals with dissemination of press releases to mass media. ANTARA's PR WIRE is the only press release dissemination service which offers direct deliveries of news to the computers of ANTARA’s mass media subscribers. Press releases which are disseminated through ANTARA's PR Wire also appear at ANTARA's website (visit In addition to press releases, ANTARA's PR wire also disseminate photo news.By means of ANTARA's PR Wire services, press releases are distributed to ANTARA's subscribers across Indonesia. ANTARA has more than 250 mass media subscribers as companies publishing newspapers and magazines as well as radio and TV stations besides online businesses, ministries, regional government offices, state companies, private companies and tens of foreign mass media representatives in Jakarta.

Due to ANTARA's membership in the AsiaNet consortium, ANTARA's PR Wire is able to disseminate press releases worldwide.

AsiaNet is a consortium of 14 news agencies in Asia and the Pacific, dealing with dissemination of transnational press releases. The news agencies which are the AsiaNet members are Antara News Agency (Indonesia), Australian Associated Press (Australia), Bernama (Malaysia), InfoQuest Limited (Thailand), Kyodo JBN (Japan), NCN Hong Kong (Hong Kong), New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand), Pakistan Press International (Pakistan), Press Trust of India (India), the Philippines News Agency (the Philippines), United News of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), Vietnam News Agency (Vietnam), Xinhua News Agency (China) dan Yonhap News Agency (South Korea ).

Advantages obtained from the dissemination of press releases through PR Wire/AsiaNet:

  • High credibility of the press releases as they are disseminated directly by the news agencies of destination.
  • Can choose media which have special pages like those on technology, trade, finance, health, automotive.
  • Press releases are disseminated in full text without editing and translated into languages of the countries of destination, including Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Dutch, Malay, Thai, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and other languages.

By using the ANTARA network, your messages will be disseminated in realtime to all ANTARA's subscribers both in the country and abroad.


For further information, contact:
Wawan Indrawan/Uluan Manurung
PR Wire Antara/AsiaNet
Wisma Antara 20th floor
Jl. Merdeka Selatan 17
Jakarta 10110
Phone : (021) 386.8155 (direct)
(021) 380.2383 ext 206 & 207
Fax (021) : (021) 386.8155
Email :

ANTARA TV which has been in full operation since January, 2006, is a business unit providing audio visual contents belonging to the National News Agency, ANTARA. The audio visual products are in addition to the services of ANTARA which has been producing photo and text news since 1937.

ANTARA TV dedicates itself as an Indonesian TV news agency which provides news stories on events happening in Indonesia with high accuracy and credibility.


  • Indonesia This week
  • BICARA (talks with ANTARA)
  • Features
  • Documentary films
  • Profiles
  • TV Pool
  • Trainings

Human resources


  • ENG
  • Editing (Avid System; Windows & Mac)
  • Multicam
  • EFP
  • Studio

Product and service endusers

  • The Constitutional Court
  • The Forestry Ministry
  • The Social Affairs Ministry
  • The Religious Affairs Ministry
  • The Army's Information Service
  • The Riau provincial administration
  • The Angkasa Pura state corporation
  • The International Finance Corporation (IFC-PENSA)
  • The Woorld Bank Group



Wisma ANTARA, 19th floor
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No 17 Jakarta 10110
Phone : 384 9442 ; 380 23 83 ext. 244
Fac: (021) 384 9442
Handry Wirawan (Sales Department Head); 0815 838 9844 Firtra Ratory (ANTARA TV editorial)

If you want to become a professional in the fields of media, public relations, media relations or photo journalism, or to develop your career in the area of mass media, ANTARA School of Journalism (LPJA) is ready to help you materilaize your wish through intensive and integrated professional trainings. LPJA is a business unit dealing with educational and training affairs belonging to the National News Agency, ANTARA, which has been experienced since 1937. LPJA was established under a decree dubbed SKEP-12/PAP/II/1998 dated on February 24, 1998. LPJA deals with journalistic and media affairs, public relations and other supporting areas. In support of professional instructors, LPJA’s training programs are designed for all the people who already get jobs and wish to extend knowledge and skills, and develop individual capabilities and enrich field experience. The trainings are carried out under effective and efficient methods prioritizing individual skills under the guidance of ANTARA’s senior journalists and photographers. LPJA is open to institutions and individuals. LPJA’s training schedule: Integrated journalism The training materials consist of Interview techniques Coverage/reporting News writing Feature writing Article writing in mass media Investigative Journalism Online journalism Media Management Journalistic Photography The training materials consist of Journalistic photography Camera operation Digital camera Basic technique of photography Photo editing and processing Photo hunting Process to develop films News photos Human interest photos Essay photos Public Relations trainings The training materials consist of Basic Public Relations Persuation technique Public Relations Ethics Lobby and negotiation techniques Crisis and conflict management Public speaking Media relations Press Release writing Press Conference Training fees For 27-hour class : Rp2,200,000,- For 60-hour class : Rp3,000,000,- The fees include those for lab works and certificates issued by the National News Agency, ANTARA. Training time schedule The training classes comprise a regular class (Monday-Friday) and a Saturday class. Two training time alternatives Morning Class : 09.00 a.m. -12.00 noon Afternoon Class : 01.00 p.m. -04.00 p.m. For in-house trainings, time and place are set later pursuant to the agreement.ANTARA PUSTAKA UTAMA (APU) is the National News Agency, ANTARA’s strategic business unit dealing with publication and printing affairs. APU products: Bulletin of Warta Perundang-Undangan (WPU) containing regulations prevailing in Indonesia. Provides: Decrees of the People’s Consultative Assembly (TAP MPR) Laws Government regulations in lieu of laws. Government regulations Presidential regulations Presidential decrees Presidential instructions Ministerial decrees from different ministries Decisions made by director generals of government ministries, and bylaws from all provinces/districts in Indonesia Due to ANTARA’s broad network, the WPU Bulletin is read by more than 10,000 decision makers, businesspeople, executives and law practitioners in all the provinces in Indonesia. Spectrum contains collections of domestic and foreign feature stories on different themes like arts, cultures, profiles, sciences and technology, environment, women, children, health and tourism. Isbra (summaries of soft news stories in the past week) contains summaries of human interest events both in Indonesia and abroad as well as soft news on musics, films, public figures, lifestyles and selebrities. Printing affairs Publication: Books etc. Setting Layout and Printing: Callendar, magazines, tabloids; Name cards, letterhead, envelops with logograms, forms, file folders, Receipts, invitation cards, brochures, annual reports. Prices: WPU Bulletin issued twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) Price: Rp120,000 + value added tax 10 % per month Spectrum issued weekly Price : Rp105,000 + value added tax 10% per month Isbra issued weekly Price: Rp84,000 + value added tax 10% per month (*) for out of Jakarta, the price is added by delivery cost. Prices for printing matters depend on the specications WPU ONLINE After being successful in WPU Bulletin publication, ANTARA launches its WPU online to give readers access to getting information on WPU directly from computers. WPU Online’s advantages: Data are updated in realtime and broadcast to customer’s computers. The category system gives easy access to information in accordance with redear’s.. needs. Database provides regulations/laws since the year of 2000 Distribution system The distribution system through the Vertical Banking Interval (VBI). WPU Online is accessible by ordinary TV antenna. Hardware specifications: Minimal Processor Intel Pentium II Memory Minimum 128 EDO RAM Harddisk Minimal 6,4 GB (SCSI atau EIDE) Motherboardtype Assus TX (disarankan) FDD 1,44 MB (3,5?) Internal Cache memory 512 KB Monitor SVGA Color PCI 64-bit video 1 MB Communication Chip UART (Comp ½) Type 16550 Operating System Windows NT 4.0 For further information, contact: Antara Pustaka Utama Antara Building, 1st floor Jl. Antara no. 57-61 Pasar Baru Jakarta 10710 Telp. (021) 3812825 (021) 3457791, 3842591, Ext. 124, 125 facs. (021) 3840942 Email:

COMETS Pertajam Sisi Komersial Antara

Kantor Berita Antara yang mulai tahun 2007 menyandang status Perusahaan Umum dari Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Republik Indonesia menyadari bahwa peralihan status menjadi Perum akan berpengaruh pada produktivitas perusahaan.

Menjadi bagian dari BUMN, berarti Antara juga harus menajamkan sisi komersial untuk menambah pundi-pundi perusahaan yang akan berujung pada kesejahteraan karyawan. Berbagai pengembangan bisnis yang dilakukan secara bertahap merupakan usaha ANTARA untuk tidak hanya menjadi Kantor Berita konvensional.

Di tengah perkembangan zaman dan era komunikasi digital seperti saat ini, perubahan cepat sekali terjadi, berbagai inovasi seakan saling berkejaran. Dalam dunia bisnis jelas berbagai tantangan tak bisa lagi terhindarkan. Sesuai dengan salah satu misi Perum LKBN ANTARA, yaitu menyediakan jasa informasi  dan komunikasi yang akurat dan kredibel, COMETS - Content & Media Technology Solutions muncul sebagai salah satu jawaban atas kebutuhan berbagai entitas bisnis.

COMETS yang dibentuk pada awal tahun 2014, adalah sebuah unit di bawah Direktorat Komersial Perum LKBN ANTARA. Dengan COMETS, Antara selain sebagai Kantor Berita yang menghasilkan produk berita, saat ini juga berkembang menjadi Content Provider yang berkualitas dan kredibel bagi media baru (New Media).

Konten yang COMETS hasilkan memiliki format visual dan multimedia yang dirancang untuk kebutuhan konten media online dan digital, sehingga azas konvergensi benar-benar ditampilkan dalam format konten yang mencakup teks, foto dan video.

Selain konten, COMETS juga mampu memberikan layanan solusi Teknologi Informasi bagi setiap organisasi yang ingin memiliki situs web dinamis dengan menampilkan konten berita dan informasi terkini. (media centric IT solution).

COMETS juga mengembangan produk konten lainnya yang berbasis non-berita seperti artikel kesehatan-kebugaran, gaya hidup, kuliner, wisata, serta informasi lainnya seperti info cuaca, lalu-lintas, infografis dan direktori; baik mengenai pemerintahan, organisasi dan tokoh lokal/nasional.


Termasuk di dalam COMETS adalah Newsroom Service Antara. NSA merupakan layanan solusi konten berita untuk situs web perusahaan.  Dengan NSA, situs web perusahaan akan selalu terbaharui/update dengan berita-berita terkini dari Antara.  Konten berita yang update tentu akan menjadi nilai tambah yang mempengaruhi jumlah dan frekuensi kunjungan (traffic) ke website tersebut.

Mengandalkan jaringan pemberitaan yang luas dari Kantor Berita Nasional Antara, yang mencakup domestik dan internasional, Newsroom Service Antara dirancang untuk memudahkan perusahaan dalam menyajikan informasi terkini dan terpercaya bagi pengunjung situs webnya.


Selain NSA, Pusat Data Bisnis Antara juga menjadi salah satu bagian dari COMETS. PDBA hadir dengan tujuan membantu entitas bisnis dalam membuat keputusan strategis yang terinformasi melalui penyediaan data, analisa dan rekomendasi yang andal, relevan dan terpercaya. 

Berbagai pihak yang menjadi mitra strategis memperkuat peranan PDBA di dunia bisnis. Mitra strategis tersebut antara lain Kementerian Kominfo, Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Pariwisata,  Kantor Berita Asing (Reuters, Bloomberg, AFP), Badan Pusat Statistik, Asosiasi Bisnis Indonesia, BMKG, Polda Metro Jaya, dan Bank Indonesia. 

Saluran distribusi PDBA antara lain aplikasi smartphone & tablet, LED layar besar, Media cetak, serta Televisi. 


Contact Person:

Content & Media Technology Solutions Department
Phone: +62 21 3802383 ext. 313
Mobile: +62 821 22415588
Fax: +62 21 3506206


About Us

Since its inception on December 13, 1937, ANTARA has been playing a role as a news agency of the people's struggle for helping reach Indonesia's national independence as it voiced the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia worldwide in 1945. ANTARA has been officially serving as a National News Agency since 1962. It was declared as a public corporation in July, 2007. With 32 bureaus nationwide, a number of representative offices and correspondents abroad, ANTARA is now trusted to be the...

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Partner Antara

ACN News Wire
Associated Press
Kyodo News
Sputnik Russian Agency
Thomson Reuters
Vietnam News Agency
Xinhua News Agency